
Prenatal & Fertility Yoga

What is prenatal yoga? Prenatal yoga is a dynamic and supportive vinyasa practice to keep you comfortable and strong during and after your pregnancy. Prepare your mind and body for birth with creative flowing sequences and mindful connection to breath. Increase balance, flexibility, circulation, and muscle tone to keep you feeling your best. Class winds down with restorative poses providing the soon-to-be-mama the opportunity to tap into her innate maternal wisdom, and make a deeper connection with her growing baby. A work-out geared towards preparing you for your next chapter of life. All levels welcomed.

What is fertility yoga? Fertility yoga is a practice designed to help women with their cycles and ultimately conception. Whether being followed by a doctor or trying to conceive naturally; the benefits of fertility yoga span beyond the goal of pregnancy. Clients practice specific poses to open up areas in the body that might be compressed or misaligned, aiding in increased blood and hormone flow especially to the reproductive organs. Practicing forms of meditation and restorative yoga encompass both physical and emotional benefits by lowering stress hormones, such as cortisol, and stimulating the vagus nerve to lower heart rate and blood pressure. Moving and breathing with the intention to establish a deep physical and mental well-being is at the heart of fertility yoga. Private classes and fertility support groups available.

Contact Dalia for more information about private yoga sessions, group classes and support groups